Surrogate IVF

Surrogacy is a treatment protocol used in ART. The term surrogacy is used when a woman carries pregnancy and gives birth to a child for another woman. In the case of ART the surrogate is not genetically linked to the child hence such surrogacy is denoted as gestational surrogacy.

Process of IVF Surrogacy

The process of IVF surrogacy is very similar to routine IVF except for the fact that in the latter case pregnancy is carried by the surrogate. IVF surrogacy is generally done using the mothers oocytes/eggs . In some cases where the age of the mother is greater than 38 – 40 years, or her age is less than 35, but she is unresponsive to IVF stimulation, egg / oocyte donors may be required for IVF surrogacy.

For IVF Surrogacy a process called uterine matching has to be done such that the uterine endometrium of both oocyte donor/mother and recipient are in the same phase i.e. the surrogates uterus has to be primed to undergo implantation and sustain pregnancy.

Oocytes are harvested in the mother by The Long Acting GnRH Agonist protocol or The Short Acting GnRH Antagonist protocol. Please refer to the page on services to understand our IVF stimulation protocol.

Patients have to arrive at Kolkata on day 12 of their cycle. From day 12 to day 20 we perform certain investigations by which we understand the problems that are causing infertility. From day 20 to day 30 we administer the patient GnRH agonist drug to down regulate her cycle. From day 2/3 of her next cycle the patient is given hormonal injections ie Recagon ( Recombinant FSH / LH) daily sc to harvest oocytes.

We can individualize the above mentioned treatment depending on the case of the patient, please correspond with our IVF expert if you want further modification of your treatment plan suiting your convenience.

Routine USG follicle study is done every 2-3 days after initiation of hormone injections and once the size of follicles approaches 16 – 18 mm ( on day 14 of the cycle ) they are aspirated under USG guidance.

IVF or ICSI is performed and the zygote/embryos are cultured in the lab for 2-3 days. This is followed by USG guided embryo transfer, which is done by Dr. Ghosh Dastidar himself, as it is the most crucial determinant of IVF success. We generally transfer the embryo at blastocyst stage as it increases the chance of implantation and clinical pregnancy.

After transfer progesterone luteal support is given to the surrogate to maintain pregnancy.

We have a team of expert obgyn specialists who will take care of the surrogate up to delivery.The initial months the surrogate stays in her house and generally after the 6/7 th month she will stay in our centre. We have an on call doctor dedicated to take care of the surrogate. Routine check up of the surrogate is done to ensure her health and well being.

The progress of pregnancy is notified to parents via email and scanned USG reports are also mailed to them.The microscopic photographs of the embryos/ blastocyst is also given to the parents. We will also notify you the course of pregnancy via telephone.